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10 de dezembro de 2008


The future of the world - Inglês

Como o ano está encerrando e nossas férias já estão aí, vou deixar na minha última postagem no blog deste ano um texto que foi trabalhado com os alunos do 2º Colegial A, e que serve (acredito eu) de reflexão pra todos nós.
Aproveito pra dizer que este ano, mesmo com muitas novidades, com algumas surpresas boas, e outras nem tanto assim, com certeza valeu muito a pena pra mim e espero que tenha valido pra você também!
Desejo que você tenha um ótimo NATAL, um maravilhoso ANO NOVO e que aproveite cada segundinho de suas férias!


When we look around us at the world, no one can deny that there are many problems. There is pain there is pain, there is ugliness, there is hopelessness. We feel small and powerless, faced with all this turmoil that seems so much larger than ourselves. We can’t fix it all, we can’t heal every hurting heart or fill every stomach that aches with hunger. So what do we do?

We do what comes naturally, what is easiest: we turn a blind eye on the world as a whole, and instead focus on ourselves and the little world which immediately surrounds us. If it doesn’t hurt me , I won’t see it. If it doesn’t hurt my family or friends, I won’t look. And so we live in a little bubble of selfishness.

But if you look at it in a different way, you will see that something can always be done. No, you can’t, alone, feed every homeless person on the streets – but can help the others who are trying, No, you can’t do it all by yourself, but every little thing that you do to help makes a difference.

Open your eyes and open your heart. If you think something needs to be changed, do something do make that change. If you see someone hurting, try to help ease their pain. You don’t have time? Make time. This is the world you will inhabit for the rest of your life. Right now, you are the future, and you can choose what your contribution to that future is going to be. Make it special. Make it something worthy of you.

(Adapted from “You Are the Future of the World”, by Jennifer Foertmeyer, in Teen Advice Online, 1999)

Prof. Juliana Gastaldi leciona Inglês na Escola Dinah.

Veja as matérias anteriores nos arquivos.
Criação, Edição e Atualização
Paulo Antonouza